Configuring Incremental Change
Configuring with incremental change
Incremental change configures the changes associated with it, when effective incremental change is configured by revision rule. Associated changes to IC may be changes to components, attachments or occurrence data change.
Configuring Components
Add & Remove Change
Note: If multiple ICs are effective that configures the same component, one adding and other removing the component then remove change is given the preference.
Note: ‘Associated ICs’ property can be displayed in window, to identify the specific IC that configured the particular component. Sort this column to identify all the changes made by a specific IC.
Configuring Attachments
Add & Remove Change with relationship to component
Note: Click the Show/Hide Data Panel button to select the Attachment pane. Attachments to item revision corresponding to selected line can be viewed in attachment pane. While tracking with an active incremental change, create, add or remove attachment through this pane.
Configuring Edits to Attachments
Add & Remove Change to attachment itself
Based on unit number, set in revision rule to configure IC, different value for the same form is displayed. For example for unit number 18, added ‘value-1’ of form will be displayed
Note: Incremental Change Information pane allows to identify all the incremental changes that affects the selected line. When multiple ICs affect the selected line, the information of each IC and its operation on selected line is displayed in this pane.
While tracking changes, the Incremental Change Information pane allows to undo individual changes from the selected line.
Configuring by Intent
Intent represents an alternative solution for which the incremental change is valid. This is an object identified by name and applied to incremental change. Number of intents can be applied to IC. To enable intent EnableIntents preference is set to on.
Apart from effectivity, incremental change can be configured by setting intent(s) in revision rule. Intent is only available for configuration of incremental change in revision rule.
Note: For displaying more information on all of the above configurations in window, few properties (Configured ICs, IOC – Incremental Change Occurrence Configured, IC Effectivity, IC Release Status, IC Intent) can be displayed in the columns. However, these properties may tend to slow down the loading of structure.
Also Read:
Tracking Incremental Change & Incremental Change Baseline
Occurrence Effectivity in Teamcenter
Revision Effectivity & Nested Effectivity