Tagged: Classic Variants in Teamcenter
Variant rule & saved variant rule(SVR) will be discussed,referring to the same example from variant data post of classic variant.
Variant Rule
To determine the variant of the structure to be configured, variant rule is set. For the defined options , values are set (from the list of values for the specific option) in the variant rule dialog box. Click the Variant Rule
button on the toolbar or choose Tools→Variant Rule. ... Continue Reading
Classic Variant Configuration
Teamcenter supports two methods of variant configuration. Classic variant & modular variant configuration. The method to use for variant configuration depends on the product structure. If the product structure is non-modular and does not need to be re-structured and generic assemblies are not reused often in different scope, classic variant method is more suitable for variant configuration.
Variant configuration is required to configure a product based on different allowed choices or options .Basically, variant data is attached to occurrences or its corresponding item revision,that is utilized (to set options , default values, validate values , satisfy condition to load occurrence) by variant rule to configure different variants of a product . ... Continue Reading