Tagged: Teamcenter Variant Configuration

Difference between Classic Variants and Modular Variants

Depending on the product structure, classic or modular variants method can be used for variant configuration of structure. Based on the business practices, one of the two approaches will be more suitable to configure the product structure. Both classic variants and modular variants should not be used together in the same product structure.

Differences between Classic Variants & Modular Variants is illustrated below : ...  Continue Reading

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Understanding Modular Variant of Structure in Teamcenter

Modular variant of structure

Modules are self-contained, plug compatible units that can be reused in the structure. That means each module in the structure is independent of other modules. Options and associated logic of modules are placed on module item and not on top-level item as was the case with classic variant. To load the component, variant condition on it makes references only to parent module .So, in a structure, if one module is restructured or replaced with any other module, it does not affect the rest of the structure. To design a product, these modules needs to be linked to each other and variant data needs to be propagated(not set) up and down the structure, so that end user can set the options on modules on lower level from top level assembly.

Modular Variant Example

Let’s take an example of a bicycle to demonstrate modular variants in the structure. A quick overview of a bicycle structure and its terminology is as follows: ...  Continue Reading

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Configure Classic Variants with Variant Rule

Variant rule & saved variant rule(SVR) will be discussed,referring to the same example from variant data post of classic variant.

Variant Rule

To determine the variant of the structure to be configured, variant rule is set. For the defined options , values are set (from the list of values for the specific option) in the variant rule dialog box. Click the Variant Rule button on the toolbar or choose Tools→Variant Rule...  Continue Reading

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